Comentariile membrilor:

+ double echoes...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[12.Jun.11 17:42]
I was very positively surprised by echo of your thoughts, resounding around me, bearing the imprint of your heart, and of the other, loved heart you remembered... Precious imagery the "bird of leaves", as all your poem. Worlds revolving in between your father's memory as dad and the model of a man he represents.

Will be reading you.


 =  I have many questions...
Sârb Olimpia
[13.Jun.11 12:21]
I begin by thanking you for your attention. And for the assessments you have made regarding this poem. I have many questions. Why didn't this poem find any reactions in Romanian, while in English it echoed. Shouldn't ideas have the same impact on the reader,regardless the language used? Is the way you talk in a language more important than ideas themselves? What seems low in Romanian is, sometimes, full of meaning in English. Maybe the secret simply lies in the translation...Though they say, "tradutore traditore"...
Best regards!
Olimpia Sarb

 =  thoughts...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[13.Jun.11 16:52]
Olimpia, please do not forget that a poem's value is "something" revolving around the readers' VERY personal preferences, which might be well away from the intrinsic value it represents for you, as its birth-giver...
Unfortunately I must say, any "society" has its "long-standing/sitting" members, often-time preoccupied with not much beyond their own "private" little world(s). One way of drawing a bit of attention (not always rewarding though) is by commenting on as many writing as possible, without falling on the "embarrassing" side, of course. Time, and the value of your writings should bring in due time a fruit to your endeavour.
In your case for the English pages, the value of your writings has met the very core of my preferences (I know, very much subjective, but nevertheless true...), combined with my editorial obligations.
On the other hand, it is nevertheless true, that within the huge volume of submissions on the Romanian pages, many excellent writings proved to be sometimes just meteoric sparks of genius, never combined with the continuous "blood sweating" required by talent development. This is the reason why, time is a painful but pretty good partner in following someone's progress.
On the English pages though, given the scarcity of quality writings from native Romanian contributors, we've tried to abridge some "times" for encouragement's sake.

I hope this makes some sense:-)


 =  Are apologies accepted?
Sârb Olimpia
[23.Aug.11 18:57]
I should start by apologizing. I asked and you answered. I should have said THANK YOU, at least. I needed sometime to understand, though things/ ideas seemed clear enough in your response. I am hard working, I can say, but not as good as I wish in expressing myself in English. I often feel I need more synonyms (though I use a dictionary for that!), more grace in telling something, more talent. Writing is my highest pleasure, but that is not an excuse for failures.
I promise to be a more active member, a humble one in receiving advice, and a very humble one in giving advise when commenting.Practice makes perfect...
Once again, thank you for your clear and gentle commentary. I appreciate, really.

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