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 =  *outstanding words*
Akira Sendoh
[13.Dec.05 12:03]
different words, three word, an excellent piece of poetry,
the very distinct of syllables, these words won't escape from me, I'm stuck to it! Thy never ending honor shall prevail...(***) ;-o

 =  please
Diana Pacuraru
[12.May.06 23:37]
i missed reading your poems...i've also been through something quite annoying..i have changed my email adress and i cannot add the new one to the site, to receive notifications...there's so much i would tell you right now, about words, about all...

 =  It touched my heart and my mind...
Marius Surleac
[17.Apr.08 14:02]
This poem belongs to three particularities: surrealist glance beyond the letters inside each word, expressionist “shelter” through the stanzas that touched the bottom of every life's corner around the person standing in the middle of the thoughts and the third one is about love for a soul mate, articulated so easily by the syllables stolen from the language of love.

P.S. I saw in the Romanian text, inside the third part a lot of mathematical terms that put an inner impression inside my core – for this missing piece. This poem deserves more than a star!

Beautiful poem, lots of images and metaphors, lots of sensations … wonderful!

Congratulation Luminita!

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