Comentariile membrilor:

 =  ???
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[30.Dec.09 10:20]

Are you sure?


 =  or...
Corina Gina Papouis
[31.Dec.09 12:18]
subtle pleasures
beneath heaven binding angels
cypresses and white


 =  Malpractice
Dîrzu Andrei-Ovidiu
[31.Dec.09 15:16]
yeah, I kind of suck on constructing verses in english huh? :D Tanks for the suggestion,I will use it.

 =  no!
Corina Gina Papouis
[31.Dec.09 15:18]
you don't suck!:)..practice makes it perfect!:)

A Happy New Year!


 =  no slang please...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[01.Jan.10 14:13]

It doesn't matter how cool "yeah, I kind of suck on constructing verses in english huh? :D" would sound to some, I would encourage you to avoid slang in your hopeful quest for a better poetry...
Slang does no better to poetry than pornography to visual arts...


 =  Why, Romulus?
John Willy Kopperud
[01.Jan.10 19:11]
Slang has been employed by poets such as Francois Villon and Jack Kerouac. In many
cases this has benefited their writing by making it more colorful and expressive.
I know that Agonia is restrictive regarding "foul language". But slang? Certain unofficial words may be very well put to use in poetry and regarding comments I do feel that exclusion of slang is not at all apt to create a relaxed and fruitful
exchange on these pages.
Best wishes for the New Year
Cheers from Willy

 =  Because, Willy!
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[01.Jan.10 21:28]
Hi old friend!

While I would strongly argue about Villon's and Kerouac's "merits" -not at all my style, I consider them as ugly contrasts for what literature shouldn't be-, please consider that exception doesn't need to be made a rule because a few lunatics like the ones you mentioned. I abhor slang regardless of who used it before...
Also remember this is a site where most people write not in their mother-tongue. As a teacher of English I strongly discourage the use of slang before a good grip of the learned language has been achieved. Literary English is a much harder bite as Andrei himself discovered.

Finally, my observation was "an encouragement for avoidance", and not an interdiction. I am sure a relaxed and fruitful exchange can be very well achieved even without slangs. And I guess with this I'm still within my editorial rights.

Please consider this as a friendly reply to your public observation, in spite of its intended seriousness.

Best regards,


 =  In that case, Romulus-
John Willy Kopperud
[01.Jan.10 21:55]
-if you state that the absence of slang is your preference and not necessarily the
policy here, your entitled to that view, of course. Villon and Kerouac lunatics? Maybe, but who cares? Is great literature limited to the ranks of the "normals?"I think they are both significant writers. Villon due to his travesties and the flow in his tale about Gargantua. Kerouac due to the descriptions of an American existence beyond the grim conformity of the fifties. To me the foremost beat poets are pillars of modern western literature.
I suspect that the core of this discussion is the perception of modernity. Personally I think that defending modernity and modern values is essential for writers all over the world. But you are absolutely right in pointing out that the use of slang outside your native tongue should be avoided unless you are sufficiently fluent in thaat particular language. English is the "lingua franca"
of our day. It's a good language to employ, but it can easily be misused. That,
however, is, I believe, a question of quality rather than categories of words.
Cheers from Willy

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