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 =  Heavenly, deep and trascending
Edilberto González Trejos
[11.Jun.05 05:33]
Heavenly, deep and trascending poem.
Just my subjective view Marinela!

"and its eagles sipped water strong, from your palm,
you do know, you let yourself be cheated by the words of the world
and you’ve been waiting for the angel-winged train."

Above just a humble suggestion to your brilliant text.
As a poetess you gave succeeded with the images and metaphores... My suggestions??? Just craft-work, "artisan" labour.
My best wishes


 =  Songo
Preoteasa Marinela
[17.Jun.05 17:27]
Thank you for your beautiful impressions and I hope you like to read other poems of mine, too.I'll wait for you to read my other creations and I a ssure you that I'm reading your creations with much pleasure, too.

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