Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Speechless...
Vicleanu Mihaita
[27.Nov.08 11:13]
Wow, Marius. But this is a masterpiece. So much passion in this coherent love of yours. I'm surprised you lack the star....anyway, hat down in front of you, my friend. I just love the 5th stanza ( very original lines).
Once again, you did a great work !

Kind regards, Mihai

 =  thx
Gabriel Ghimpu
[30.Nov.08 09:25]
Hun' we're talkin' poetry here - not prose, or grammar... Thanks, anyway!

 =  Thank you Mihai!
Marius Surleac
[30.Nov.08 15:28]
Mihai, you've been always a constant presence on my texts and I thank you for that as well as for this very kind comment of yours. About the star, as I said before to you - is less important. What is really important is the fact you liked it and perceived it very well.

Cheers from Marius!

P.S. Sorry for the delayed answer!

 =  !
Marius Surleac
[30.Nov.08 15:30]
Gabriel, thank you very much but I don't understand pretty well your comment - what is about prose and grammar. Thanks!

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