Pagina: 2 : 1
: text inchis (cu o singura exceptie) Poezie 2006-11-02 (2918 afişări)
: text revolutionar Poezie 2006-10-28 (2612 afişări)
: text inchis Poezie 2006-10-22 (2662 afişări)
: text pro-simplist Poezie 2006-10-21 (2019 afişări)
: Poezie 2006-10-15 (2798 afişări)
: Poezie 2006-10-14 (2755 afişări)
: Poezie 2006-10-12 (2759 afişări)
blesteme& angoase
: I Poezie 2006-10-09 (2295 afişări)
ultimă scrisoare către K.
: Poezie 2006-10-08 (2674 afişări)
: hi hi Poezie 2006-09-26 (2877 afişări)
nu vrea
: Poezie 2006-09-23 (1817 afişări)
Pagina: 2 : 1 |
Pagina: 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
asta nu era/ e recomandare
non-comentariu (chiar cititi numai textele comentate?)
... + p.s
nu cred...
nici nici
atunci cine?
Pagina: 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1

Poezie de Michel Camus
Not Mine
Poezie de Czeslaw Milosz
Poezie de Osip Mandelstam
I dreamed this dream and I still dream of it
Poezie de Arseny Tarkovsky
life, life
Poezie de Arseny Tarkovsky
Pentru ***
Poezie de Edgar Allan Poe
Apel catre lichele
Personale de Gabriel Liiceanu
Seara muzicala
Poezie de Mircea Dinescu Versiune alternativă
Biografie adrian jigăranu
25 iunie 1985
Are you a child of the free to be you and me generation
And are you in tune with the world around you
I am a child of the free to be you and me generation
And I am with you in being in tune
We shall bring change to this place
Listen to the whistle of the planet twirlin through space
Singin la la la la la la to the human race
(she says)
I believe I am the flower of life, the earth
And the ocean oh oh
I believe I feel the power of light, vibrate
All around me oh oh
I believe you are the children of the one great spirit, oh oh
Are you a child of the free to be you and me generation
And are you confused with the world around you
I am a child of the free to be you and me generation
And I am with you in being confused
Children children can you hear it
Listen to the riddle in the melody by great spirit
Singin la la la la la la theres nothin to it
(he says)
I believe I am the flower of life, the air
And the sunshine oh oh
I believe I am the power of light, the motive
For the universe oh oh
I believe you are the children of the one
Mother earth oh oh
(Marcy Playground - Our generation)
9 nov 2006