agonia romana v3 |
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agonia Texte Recomandate
■ jurnal de ziua mondială a scriitorilor
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2005-03-28 | [Acest text ar trebui citit în english] | Înscris în bibliotecă de x
Day of mist: day of tarnish
with hands unserviceable, I wait for the milk van the one-eared cat laps its gray paw and the coal fire burns outside, the little hedge leaves are become quite yellow a milk-film blurs the empty bottles on the windowsill no glory descends two water drops poise on the arched green stem of my neighbor's rose bush o bent bow of thorns the cat unsheathes its claws the world turns today today I will not disenchant my twelve black-gowned examiners or bunch my fist in the wind's sneer.
Casa Literaturii, poeziei şi culturii. Scrie şi savurează articole, eseuri, proză, poezie clasică şi concursuri. | |||||||||
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