agonia romana v3 |
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■ jurnal de ziua mondială a scriitorilor
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2012-05-11 | [Acest text ar trebui citit în english] | Înscris în bibliotecă de Veronica Văleanu Capsize wavewise canoe, paddle and all: The royal lily pattern bordered hall Spread all the way across the trapdoor isle Will wrap you lest the tide should you beguile. Don’t move from where you are – a drowned beetle Complete with neon carapace, with needle, And drink my wine until the time is due Causing the streambed to get drunk with you. Rest in the case, dismantled for a change, Staring in stupor at warying range, While schoolboys, shirt-fronts white as snow, will prod Into your entrails with a searching rod. Resume your wholeness. Now the night is void, In one nook only is the bulb employed: Back to the water-shed, now we shall pass Above towering cupboards, both of us… -translated by Florin Bican
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