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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2004-10-13 | |
Cand vorbesc despre dragoste ajung sa dau peste intrebarea vesnica... "Ce e dragostea?"
Mii de raspunsuri s-au dat la aceasta intrebare, mii de definitii, nici una mai presus ca alta, dar cea care mi-a captat atentia si m-a marcat mai presus ca orice este cea data in filmul "Meet Joe Black"... Un film in care, in exprimare libera, Moartea invatza sa iubeasca... a carui definitie a dragostei imi aduce aminte de complexitatea si puritatea sentimentelor pe care le simt. Iata fragmentele: "I want you to get swept away... I want you to levitate.... I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish... be deliriously happy! LOVE is passion, obsession, something you can't live without! I say fall head over heels, find someone who you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back... How do you find him? Well.. Forget your head and listen to you heart! The truth is there's no sense in living without this! To make the journey and not fall deeply in haven't lived a life at all. You have to try... cause if you haven't haven't lived! Stay open... who knows? Lightning could strike!" " -How do you know she loves you?- -Because she knows the worst thing about me and it's ok. It's like you know each other's secrets...the deepest, darkest secrets ...and you're free to love each other completely, totally... no fear-" In ceea ce ma priveste, pe mine si pe relatia mea, consider ca asta este cea mai completa definitie, totusi data pe scurt, a DRAGOSTEI! Ideile se invart in capul meu mult prea repede pentru a reusi a le prinde si a le nota. Poate voi completa pe parcurs... Daca aveti comentarii, completari, orice, le astept cu drag, mai ales din partea celor care stiu ce spun! Multumesc, Dragoste, ca existi!
Casa Literaturii, poeziei şi culturii. Scrie şi savurează articole, eseuri, proză, poezie clasică şi concursuri. | |||||||||
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