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Of The Masts... poezie [ ]
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - de Mihai Eminescu [Mihai_Eminescu ]
| [Acest text ar trebui citit în english] |
Înscris în bibliotecă de Constantin Enianu
Of the masts by thousands leaving
Shores which many an ocean laves,
O, how many will be shattered
By the winds and by the waves.
Of the birds by thousands wandering
Many a one a grave soon finds,
While still hopeful it is driven
By the waves and by the winds.
If to high ideals aspiring,
Or the soul but fortune craves,
Thou art driven wheresoever
By the winds and by the waves.
Never understood the thought is
That the song in wing’d words binds,
Ever floating far off echoed
By the waves and by the winds.
Translated by Petre Grimm