Pagina: 1
Podul Minciunilor Ne-asteapta
: Poezie 2005-10-30 (3473 afişări)
Fermecata de soarta
: Poezie 2005-10-27 (1490 afişări)
Nu pot să fiu
: Poezie 2005-05-04 (2565 afişări)
Tu precis dormi...
: Poezie 2005-04-22 (1613 afişări)
Podul speranței
: Poezie 2005-04-05 (1969 afişări)
De ziua ta dansez doar pentru tine!
: lumea poeziei totul e posibil... Poezie 2005-04-04 (2007 afişări)
Spovedirea prin arta
: Poezie 2005-03-03 (1694 afişări)
Delir de iarna
: Poezie 2005-03-02 (2132 afişări)
Dor, din nou dor
: Poezie 2005-02-28 (2799 afişări)
Esti darul zeilor...
: Poezie 2005-02-28 (1502 afişări)
La case de batrani
: Poezie 2005-02-28 (1700 afişări)
Elegie pentru tine
: Poezie 2005-02-28 (1662 afişări)
Dor de casa ma cuprinde
: Poezie 2004-07-05 (1645 afişări)
Ca sa te pot salva...
: Poezie 2003-12-10 (2049 afişări)
: Poezie 2003-12-10 (2589 afişări)
Daruire totala
: Poezie 2003-12-11 (4018 afişări)
Te-am sunat
: Poezie 2003-12-05 (2885 afişări)
: Poezie 2003-12-05 (2674 afişări)
Sint roaba benevola
: Poezie 2003-12-05 (2574 afişări)
In visul meu
: Poezie 2003-12-04 (1884 afişări)
Pe trepte
: Poezie 2003-12-04 (1793 afişări)
Dragii mei
: Poezie 2003-12-04 (3519 afişări)
Bilanțul Poetic
: Poezie 2003-12-04 (3261 afişări)
Ochii-ți de jar
: Poezie 2003-11-30 (2432 afişări)
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Pagina: 1
fara masca pe aici ?
Te iubesc, Lucia !
cu multa caldura...
Dragi Scriitori...
Stimati Participanti !
Elena draga..
Draga Anca...
Paul, multumesc!
deci o sa ma salvezi ! :)
DA, Anca !
Anca Pepelea, Mersi !
Andrei, Mersi !
Scuze , Paul !
Anca, Mersi !
Paul Dan, Multumesc !
Elia , din nou Mersi !
Mr. Valentin, Mersi!
Ms. Anghel, Mersi !
Ms. Anghel, multumesc !
mi-a placut...
subtil sensual...
sensuala aquarela...
Superb !
Mersi !
superb din nou !
Traiesc prin inima (* * * )
Impresionant !
iubesc cum iubesti
sweet poem/dulce poem
Tu, poet gentil..
Chiar apreciez !
Surprisa placuta...
Bun venit !
Horia, Multumesc ! !
mi-a placut
Cam tirziu...
placut fluida...
Superb,Luz !
frig si pasiune...:)
bine ca poti iubi...
Elia, multumesc !
Lucia, mersi !
Pagina: 1
Biografie Adela-Adriana Moscu
Born in Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA on November 9, 1958
High School Educated in Europe (Romania)
Relocated to USA in 1976
B.A. in Psychology from Brooklyn College, New York City, USA (1983)
M.S.W. in Clinical Social Work from New York University, USA (1987)
Certified Hypnotherapist (1988 NYC)
C.S.W., Certified Social Worker (1989)
L.C.S.W., Licensed Certified Social Worker (1993)
A.C.S.W., Accredited Certified Social Worker – National Association of Social Workers (1995)
Former dance teacher and performer with Anahid Sofian Dance Company in New York City 1979-1983
Practicing Reiki since 1996
Registered and studied with the International Institute of Reflexology since 1997
Completed the beginning and advanced Bio-Energy studies with Mietek Wirkus and Margaret Wirkus in Bethesda, MD, USA (2000)
Written and published poetry in various anthology books and publications
Participated and presented collections of my own paintings in both solo and group fine arts exhibitions
Acquired cross-cultural experiences working with various ethnic groups, studying, working and traveling throughout different countries including Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, USA
Preocupari/interese:Traveling, singing, dancing, creating poetry and most of all advocating for Peace.