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under moonlight, the sound of the waves poezie [ ]
Hearts over the Rainbow – Love texts
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - de Marius Surleac [stradymarius ]
| [Acest text ar trebui citit în english]
Acest text este o traducere. |
my days had leaked under my knees, where the waves had wiped out every second
that you forgot in the sight’s infinite – when leaving you left me nothing but a wreath of dry leaves
in the hollowness of my palm I reproduce the lost shape of your embraces, the burning kiss and the delicate cheek
the sun grasps on each stone, each eye and each soul
you took the railway station with you, gathered all our memories and put them in the leather suitcase
from where some bone pierces through the zipper drawn after you
the Vesper that you brought to meet rests buried in the sea