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■ din valea lui Hinom
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2011-08-20 | [Acest text ar trebui citit în english] | Înscris în bibliotecă de adrian pop Slowly I married her slowly and bitterly married her love married her body in boredom and joy Slowly I came to her slow and restfully came to her bed came to her table in hunger and habit came to be fed Slowly I married her sanctioned by none with nobody’s name amid general warnings amid general scorn came to her fragrance my nostrils wide came to her greed with seed for a child Years in the coming and years in retreat slowly I married her slowly I kneeled and now we are wounded so deep and so well that no one can hurt us except Death itself And all through Death’s dream I move with her lips the dream is a night but eternal the kiss and slowly I come to her slowly we shed the clothes of our doubting and slowly we wed
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