Pagina: 8 : 7 : 6 : 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
Le am pe toate
: So why don't we just stop Why Is it so hard to make the right choice Poezie 2007-01-27 (5270 afişări)
: Cut here Poezie 2007-01-26 (3914 afişări)
Adevăr în atât de multe feluri
: I was standing You were there Two worlds collided Poezie 2007-01-25 (2333 afişări)
Azi/ Când / Acum
![](/images/home/star_bul.png) : the last reason to make this last for as long as I could Poezie 2007-01-24 (3944 afişări)
hOur's Cafe
: they say that I'm a fool for Poezie 2007-01-23 (3267 afişări)
: So free her, so free her, so free her Poezie 2007-01-22 (3457 afişări)
: What is happening to it all? Crazy some say Poezie 2007-01-21 (3435 afişări)
: At the end of the world the last thing I see You are Poezie 2007-01-20 (3622 afişări)
: don’t tell me not to fly, I simply got to Poezie 2007-01-19 (3767 afişări)
Regrete de calitate
: Close my eyes and trust you But my innervoice it says Poezie 2007-01-18 (3157 afişări)
: esa extraña fuerza que me provoca Poezie 2007-01-16 (3186 afişări)
: Poezie 2007-01-14 (3309 afişări)
Alice în Þara Fără Oglinzi
: Can't speak, can't think, won't talk, won't walk Poezie 2007-01-11 (3984 afişări)
Scufița Roșie
: run from the noise and the loaded gun so run my baby run Poezie 2007-01-07 (2591 afişări)
: If you were I'll hit your hidingplace Until sunrise Poezie 2007-01-06 (3600 afişări)
Boli târzii
: if they are locked...You will find the gate that's open Poezie 2007-01-06 (2755 afişări)
Legea nescrisă a orei
: mirror hour Poezie 2007-01-05 (3338 afişări)
cutie de cafea
: I'm not in love, no no, it's because... Poezie 2007-01-04 (3259 afişări)
Mecanic extasy sau Arsuri pe mațe
: fiecare organ erotic pe limba lui piere - Jamsession cu Ioan Peia Poezie 2007-01-02 (2739 afişări)
Ford' 20
: Esa pregunta que te haces sin responder Poezie 2007-01-01 (3127 afişări)
: You get what you give Poezie 2006-12-31 (3892 afişări)
: I thought I was someone else Someone good, yeah Poezie 2006-12-30 (3317 afişări)
: What I've felt What I've known never shined through in what I've shown Poezie 2006-12-29 (2872 afişări)
exVogue sau 1/4 de oră
: We slip and slide as we fall in love And I just can't seem to get enough Poezie 2006-12-28 (1209 afişări)
pure love de pașcani
: merge și așa Poezie 2006-12-27 (2260 afişări)
Car crash
: Chasing cars We'll do it all Everything On our own Poezie 2006-12-26 (3833 afişări)
Firescul interzis
: Go on an Cry me a river I cried a river over you. Poezie 2006-12-25 (2500 afişări)
Știu că-i așa
: a song from the secret garden Poezie 2006-12-24 (4189 afişări)
Big Bang
: ( Repeat end many times ) Poezie 2006-12-23 (3472 afişări)
Boaba de mazăre
: The wicked thing about us is we always have trust. Poezie 2006-12-22 (3134 afişări)
Căpița din Santander
: Nunca le preocupa lo que puede pasarle a su hijo Poezie 2006-12-19 (3074 afişări)
Diferențe răsturnate
: You're a little late, I'm already torn Poezie 2006-12-18 (4150 afişări)
: it's quiet and peaceful in this emotional nirvana blue Poezie 2006-12-17 (2828 afişări)
pune ceasul
: Poezie 2006-12-16 (3482 afişări)
: And I am waiting for it to be over too Poezie 2006-12-13 (3273 afişări)
Seven Seas Black Linen Pirate
: You are my autoharp I push every button on your body Poezie 2006-12-12 (2499 afişări)
Venus fără
: Don't forget about me, don't forget about Poezie 2006-12-11 (3964 afişări)
Bullet proof
: Poezie 2006-12-10 (1951 afişări)
Sâmbătă noaptea picioarele tale
: Because I can't imagine my life without you and me Poezie 2006-12-10 (3464 afişări)
: I asked not to be alone Poezie 2006-12-09 (2329 afişări)
: You asked me and said I nothing You want to death you separate faithful Poezie 2006-12-08 (2577 afişări)
Aanja acelor ultime zile
: I can't be as sorry as you think I should Poezie 2006-12-07 (2910 afişări)
Mașina animală
: I'll play a game like that while I'm waiting for you Poezie 2006-12-05 (2781 afişări)
Albă ca
: Burning at these mysteries Poezie 2006-12-05 (2594 afişări)
viața e frumoasă așa că dă-i bice
: Would you lie with me and just forget the world? Poezie 2006-12-04 (3011 afişări)
Julieta orișicui sau Jam nepărtinitor la drum de seară A&T
: Pourvu Qu'elles Soient Douces Poezie 2006-12-03 (2972 afişări)
Car sans logique
: my innervoice it says that I'm falling, I'm falling Poezie 2006-12-03 (2834 afişări)
Acest suflet este o traducere
: Limbaj Parțial Articulat Poezie 2006-12-01 (3976 afişări)
Renaissance Affair
: fără subtitlu, de dragul Danei Banu Poezie 2006-12-01 (3207 afişări)
X și 0
: Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking Poezie 2006-11-30 (3126 afişări)
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